Sunday 16 June 2013


In maths this term I have been learning how to reduce a fraction to its lowest form. For example- 20/40. I would then reduce it to its lowest form, which would be 1 half or1/2. I have also been learning how to add fractions, and use fractions to help work out division problems. I am still struggling with reducing fractions to their lowest form, and using fractions to work out division. Each Friday we do speed tests where we have 5 minutes to do our 1-10 times tables. If we finish our 1-10 times tables in 4 minutes 30, we then move onto 3-12 times tables and again if we finish in 4 minutes 30, we move onto division facts. Last week I completed my 3-12's in 3 minutes 47 and now I am onto my division. To be honest, I am quite scared, but I can only learn from my mistakes! :)

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