Thursday 12 December 2013

My Year 2013

Taylor 2013

This is some of the awesome times I've had this year! Hope you enjoy it!
Comment what was your highlight of the year was!!! :P

Wednesday 4 December 2013

How to get a complete stranger to smile - Creative writing.

In class, we had to write instructions on how to get a complete stranger to smile. I decided to write a story about it.

Gilbert was a very nice boy. He always said please and thank you and was also very smart. He was very polite and loved to see people smile so when he grew older he wanted to be a magician because they made everyone happy and smile with their amazing tricks.

"Mum, can I please go for a walk in town? I promise I'll be back by 12:00" gilbert asked.
"Sure" replied Mum.
So Gilbert went to town. His aim was to make someone smile.
Lots of people were busy so he could'nt interupt them and everyone else was already having fun and smiling but Gilbert found some homeless people sitting lonely on the street. Gilbert walked up to a man who looked very sleepy and limp. He wore a shredded jacket and dirty ripped pants.

"Hello" said Gilbert sitting down next to him. "How are you today?" He asked looking at the man. The man looked at him and said sadly, "Very hungry, lonely and poor but thank you for asking." Gilbert then looked into his eyes and saw the sorrow and pain in them.
"I will be right back," He said and he jumped and ran to the nearest bakery.

He ordered 2 Mince and Cheese pies and a bottle of fresh water. Excitedly, he sprinted back to the man (also being careful of the pies and drinks) When he found the man, it turned out he was asleep and Gilbert didn't want to wake him incase he was having a good dream. So Gilbert found a piece of paper and kindly asked a lady for a pen and on the paper he wrote,

My Dear Friend, I am very sorry that you ahve to lie here but I have bought you a little present. I hope you enjoy it and like it. Thank You for letting me help you.

Yours Sincerely,
Gilbert Sprout.

Then he added a smiley face and after he returned the pen and thanked the lady , he put the 2 pies and the bottle of water next to the homeless man and also put the note down too.

With that he hid around the corner and watched as the man woke and read the letter, then saw the pies. A huge smile crept across his face as he bit down into one and when he was finished, Gilbert also smiled . He walked back home and arrived at exactly 12:00.

Sunday 1 December 2013

The Mystery Dino - Creative Writing (Using Personification)

With our creative writing we had to use Personification which is giving an object a human quality.

Hahaha This week we had creative writing and we had to write about approaching a house (Mr Marquand showed us a picture of the house we had to approach) Then we had to join stories with the person we sit next so Kayla and I joined ours together but Mr Marquand said we had to add more to it so this is what we came up with.... Hahaha (It's not actually that funny but it's funny to us and when we shared it)

I stumble through the long grass that is pulling and strangling my legs. It's like I'm hunting through the woods again but I'm not, I'm far from it. I come to a dark and eerie clearing. I can't breath. All I can smell is something rotting beneath me. A water fall rushes and roars into a river. Above it is a building with tall towers in every shape and size. It looms over me with great power. I race towards the castle-like building like I'm running a marathon, stopping 1 metre before the door. I stare at the windows and a ghostly shadow passes through one. In fear, I turn around to run back but the mist blocks my view. I can smell a sweet smell of chocolate cake and I run across a deathly bridge, but I'm to blubbery and I plummet through the wood. Soaked, I attempt to climb the mountain that stares at me in pain. A rock breaks off and I face plant into a rock as sharp as a knife. In hell I knock the door and hear the echo go on and on. The door carefully creaks open and I step inside. Suddenly I get murded by Barney the dinosaur! >:( I didn't want to be murded by a dinosaur, I wanted to be murded by a zombie. Well there goes that dream :(.

Wednesday 27 November 2013


This week we had a mini inquiry day which is where we had to choose a topic about energy which is this terms overall topic. Amy and I decided to do our presentation on Animals using Ecolocation and Ultrasound. We decided to present it on prezi which is an online website that is awesome to use for presentations. This is what we came up with...

Hope you found it  interesting!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Melted Crayon Art

My Melted Crayon Art
For our flower show this term, our class did melted crayon art. This is where we take a canvas and hot glue crayons on the top. Then we get a heat gun or a hair dryer and melt the crayons. We had to make sure the canvas was up right or on a lean to make the crayon flow down. For my canvas I decided to do a silhouette. My silhouette is a picture that Bansky did. My original idea was a girl holding a balloon but then Mr Marquand showed me this one. I think it's really cool. I also decided to go with pastel colours. I didn't come anything at the flower show but I really like what I have created and I cant wait to hang it up in my room.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Creative Writing

We had to write about either being shot at war or helping someone who had been shot. This is what I came up with.

I walk to the front line. Crawling further into the action. Bullets fly past me. The guy next to me falls to the ground in agony. It's like slow motion, I hear screams of pain and the bang of bullets. As I put my head down and trudge forward, the only sound I hear it a loud bang. It's the only sound I hear and it isn't a good one. I drop to the ground in a mix of blood, sweat and pure agony. i grab my stomach, gasping for breath. I feel like giving up. Death surrounds me like a dark blanket but I won't let it bring me down. I try shouting but I can't even hear my own voice. I start  rolling. Down down down i roll until I feel bloody cold water surrounding me. Someone comes down beside me and half carry, half drags me back to the tents. Immediately someone tends to my wound. I feel the bandage wrap tightly around my body. Just when I can't breath any longer, air is filled into my lungs. Mumbling is all around me and I can see dark figures, but my body weakens and I can't move. Medics try to keep me going but I have to give in. Again darkness sweeps over me like a dark blanket. But this time, it doesn't go away. My last thoughts are of my family, and the people who were once my friends. Hopefully I can go and see them now. As I feel my soul rising, I am proud of what I have attempted to try and save my country.

Wednesday 13 November 2013


This term our topic is energy. There are different forms of energy. Light, electricity, chemical and many more. But the one type of energy we have mainly been working on is sound. Sound is vibrations moving through the air. It moves like a ripple effect. It vibrates the air around it, then that air around that and so on. We did heaps of cool experiments with Mr Marquands awesome speaker, like freqency/pitch. One of the things we have learnt is how fast sound travels. Did you know that sound travels 332 metres per second? Light can travel 7 times around the world in 1 second! That explains why lightning always comes before thunder, because light (obviously) travels faster than sound. I wonder why light travels faster than sound? Then there is conservation of energy. Which is when energy can't be created or destroyed, but just changed into different forms. For example, in a hydro dam, the still water is potential energy, then when it goes down its called kinetic energy and then it changes into magnetic energy and then changes into electricity which changes into light, heat, or sound etc. It's pretty interesting learning about sound. I can't wait to do another experiment around it!