Wednesday 29 May 2013

Cross Country

On Friday 24th May, our school had our cross country. My race was last and I came 7th out of all the girls, but 2nd out of the 11 year old girls. I beat my time by 48 seconds from our last timed practice and 2 minutes on my first one. The track I ran was two kilometers and I ran the whole way! By the time I had finished, I was really exhausted and puffed. I'm real proud of my self for achieving my time goals and pushing myself to the limit. It was real hard work. Those who came first, second or third in their age group, also went through to Lower Waipa cross country.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Silage Stacking


Last term, our class went to the Kelly's farm to do some silage stacking. We put our hard work into a couple of days and used every single tyre we had. We managed to complete the 3 and a half stacks. We used a technique by going in a line, and passing the tyres through the line, to the top. We did this silage stacking to raise money for our class trips. It was such hard work that at the end of the day, the only thing everyone wanted to do was jump in a nice cold pool.

Monday 20 May 2013

Prezi - Aung San Suu Kyi

 In term 1 room 7 had been learning about famous leaders who changed the world. I chose Aung San Suu Kyi (pronounced ung sun sue chi) because of her bravery when she was helping her country. We had to present our information on prezi, a cool website that is great for presentations. Here is my prezi presentation.

First Aid-Safety course.

 In term 1 Marie, from St John's came to teach our class about first aid and safety. We learn't how to put someone in the recovery position. In the above photos it shows Amy and I putting each other in the recovery position. We learn't what to do if you had a blood nose, and it turned out that you are supposed to put you head forward. Marie told us what to do if an emergeny happened. We had a practice on what to say when we called 111. One of the things was called 'head tilt chin lift' this is when we tilted the head back a bit and lifted the chin. This made an open airway for someone who was un-conscious.
     At the end of the day, we had 2 scenario's. In the first one, a group of us (including me) pretended to be in a bus crash. The other group, were the rescuers. They had to take away the dangers, the see what injurys we had, and tend to them. The second senario was an earthquake, and this time the groups swapped over.
It was a awesome day and everyone had a great time.

Thursday 9 May 2013

My Pencil Portrait.

We have been learning to use dark to light shading to make our faces stand out.

Early last term, room 7 created their own pencil portraits. Mr Marquand took a photo of us, then we had to cut it in half. After this, we glued on a piece of white paper, and using a ruler to make our face symmetrical, we sketched the other side of our face. We added shading, to make it look more relastic. I found it hard doing the nose, getting the right shape, in the right places was difficult. I would like to get better at eyebrows, getting the right thickness, lenth and shape. I am proud of the over-all look. I liked how I did the shading in my cheeks, but maybe next time not make them as defined. I enjoyed doing my eyes, they were fun to do.