Monday, 11 November 2013

Athletics Day

Me (left), Breanna (middle), Amy (right).
On the 30th October 2013, children aged 8-13 at Te Pahu School, had athletics day. Paterangi also joined us. Athletics was held at Te Pahu School, and the reason we hold this event is so we can keep fit, learn about competion and get a feel of what its like at the Olmpics.
We had activities like discuss, shotput, sprints (100 metres), hurdles, high jump and long jump.

My favorite is long jump. I usually jump off my right foot but on the day, for some reason, I kept jumping off my left foot. When I finally did jump off my right foot, I didn't do a very good jump. I guess I found out that I'm better on my left foot. I came second in long jump. I was really happy and proud. :D

High jump isn't my favorite. In fact, before I even started this year, I hated it. Last year I couldn't even jump 1 metre. Then this year, in practise, I jumped 1.12 metres. But on the day, I went to jump 1.10 metres and failed. I also failed the next 2 go's, which meant I was out. I was so gutted because I knew that I could've made it if I had had a couple more go's. I ended up coming second. Again. For the rest of the activities I came 4th.

My legs were killing me the next day. Next time, I want to train harder and do better in all activities. Can't wait till next year!


  1. Hi Taylor it sounds like it was an awesome day, I was impressed by your results. Well done!!!!

  2. Yeah agreed you should be proud Taylor your results were wicked!!
    -Kayla :)
