Monday, 29 July 2013

Enterprise term 3.

For our inquiry this term, the school is doing enterprise. This is where we learn about business, finance and being a consumer. Our aim is to create a business in groups of 2 or 3, or by our self if we want to, and make products to sell at our market day in week 7. First, we have to come up with a society name, our 1, 5, 10 and 20 notes. Our money is called Gongs.
     The year 7 and 8s are allowed to apply for a bank manager, a warehouse manager, to be in the Board of governers (Prime minister etc), or Newspaper editor. These jobs will help to run our society. Kayla and I are going to do a business. We have had the ideas of pencil holders or bath bombs but would still like some help on ideas. It would be a real help if you could leave some ideas in the comments. Thanks!


  1. Wow Taylor your blog is outstanding you have put in alot of effort to get an amazing one like thing. I love the way you have done your backround it reminds me of the sea! The fish are so cute love to hear your posts and cant wait to hear more about what you are up to.
    How did you get your backroand.
    Paige :D

  2. Thanks Paige! Go to template then customize blog to change the background.

    -Taylor :)

  3. you shood do pictures

  4. I have now decided to go for newspaper editor. I have an interview tomorrow! YAY!!

  5. Yeah and I (Kayla) has chosen to work with Amy and Pixie. I hope everything goes well for you Tay!!!
    -Kayla :)

  6. NEWS: I have gotten the job of newspaper editor as well as MINISTER OF COMMUNICATION!


    _Taylor :)
