Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Camp-Disguised Dinner

In term 1, our class went on camp at Lake Karapiro. On the thursday night everyone had to dress up in the costumes they brought for our Disguised Dinner. Everone had to dress up in diguise and come to dinner. My costume was a clown! My Auntie Sarah made a clown dress for me and got me a red nose, bow tie, wig and pom-poms.She then put the pom-poms on my white t-shirt and I wore stripy tights. I created a clown hat and dad let me where his fluro painted shoes. I had an awesome night (although my face paint got a bit itchy at the end) and when Mr marquand awarded the prizes, I got runner up! Winning a cocolate easter egg. Even the adults dressed up!


  1. It was a real rush at the end and putting the face paint on. The white base for my face paint started to sting my face. Thanks to Rachel Hamill who let me use her white face paint. Thanks!

  2. Taylor your costume was really cool I loved your shoes and your hat did you have fun? What was your favirite costume? Keep posting
    Shawna :)

  3. I had loads of fun!! Out of the parents, I really liked Rachel's one. Out of the kids, well it's a pretty hard choice but i think Breanna's one was quite cool (the Cat in Hat).

    What about you?

    -Taylor :)
