Monday, 20 May 2013

First Aid-Safety course.

 In term 1 Marie, from St John's came to teach our class about first aid and safety. We learn't how to put someone in the recovery position. In the above photos it shows Amy and I putting each other in the recovery position. We learn't what to do if you had a blood nose, and it turned out that you are supposed to put you head forward. Marie told us what to do if an emergeny happened. We had a practice on what to say when we called 111. One of the things was called 'head tilt chin lift' this is when we tilted the head back a bit and lifted the chin. This made an open airway for someone who was un-conscious.
     At the end of the day, we had 2 scenario's. In the first one, a group of us (including me) pretended to be in a bus crash. The other group, were the rescuers. They had to take away the dangers, the see what injurys we had, and tend to them. The second senario was an earthquake, and this time the groups swapped over.
It was a awesome day and everyone had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Tay, it's good to know basic first aid like this, you never know when you may need to use it :)
